Tibanya artikel kali ini,bukan lagi kritikan yang penulis ingin berikan,sebaliknya satu pujian.Mungkin satu perkara diluar tabii' yang pernah dilakukan diri ini kerana belum pernah penulis memberikan pujian terhadap pentadbiran Uniten sepanjang karier penulisan diri ini didalam UnitenDaily.Namun,ini yang perlu dilakukan.Yang indah itu kita war-warkan,yang buruk itu tetap kita khabarkan.
Melihatkan kemajuan dari segi teknologi Wireless di Uniten.Sebelum ini,ramai pelajar Uniten mengeluh kerana tiada perkhidmatan Wireless untuk diri mereka di dalam kampus.Namun kini segalanya sudah berubah.Sekarang perkhidmatan ini semakin meluas di Uniten.Baik di bangunan pengurusan sehingga ke perpustakaan,segalanya sudah tersedia secara percuma.Tahniah dan syabas diucapkan buat warga ITMS yang sentiasa melakukan penambahbaikan dari semasa ke semasa.
Tidak cukup dengan itu,kini laman web universiti telah pun sentiasa dikemas kini.Bahkan semakin cantik untuk tatapan masyarakat luar.Jika sebelum ini,nampak lesu,kini dengan hanya sekali klik,warna merah membara menggamit mata untuk dinanti tatapannya dan menilai segala perkara yang ada di universiti tercinta kita ini.
Kini,Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar kita juga telah pun menyediakan satu ruangan untuk para pelajar melahirkan segala perkara berkenaan rasa tidak puas hati mereka dengan mudah.Walaupun pelaksanaannya belum lagi dapat dipastikan keberkesanannya,namun mereka telah pun melangkah setapak maju berbanding sebelumnya.
Sememangnya boleh dikatakan kejayaan yang disebutkan penulis ini masih dianggap kecil oleh sesetengah pihak.Namun,apa yang perlu kita lihat,adalah bagaimana kejayaan ini boleh ditingkatkan dan diteruskan.Sama-sama kita memperbaiki diri dan universiti untuk kesejahteraan serta kecemerlangan bersama.
Tulus ikhlas,
yes. bnde2 camni la yg kite nk dengar.
perbanyakkn lg artikel2 positif dari negatif.
yg negatif tu kita smpaikn secara positif supaya reaksi dari smua pihak pn positif.
Be positive, think positive.
-Kucing kepang-
Congratulations Uniten? Nah! I sincerely don't think so. Just look around.There is no such thing as being positive when trying to evaluate the improvements of this university. We have to look at both sides of the story to be truthful to ourselves.
Lets take COIT/COE for example.So much for the wireless internet service, it should have been there ages ago.It took them 10 years to accomplish that? Great! Just stepping into one of their toilets and you'll know how well the college is being managed.It stinks,always spoilt and some cubicles are constantly locked.When asked why such things are happening,the administrator usually says its being repaired.Maybe it takes them 10 years to repair it as well.
Here's a thought: The most common place a visitor visits is the toilet.
Congratulations? Nah!
As for the increment of fees, don't they know that most students take loans from PTPTN?Don't they know that we all have fixed amounts of money to juggle with?By increasing each subject by RM115, they make life harder for all students.
Congratulations? Nah..
Wait, wait, there's more, how about the time it took them to finalize our ledger balance.5 weeks?No kidding.So for most of us, who survive on PTPTN money, would have been surviving on plain rice and sauce for 3 weeks.
Congratulations? Nah!
How about the labs we use?Eight people sharing one yagi antenna set?So what happens?One person conducts the experiment while the remaining 7 of us just sit there?It's a funny thing to happen when we each pay RM405 for the subject.Lets see how funny it is.
RM405x20students = RM8,100
RM8100x8sections = RM64,800
= one yagi antenna for 8students.
= Congratulations? Nah!!
This is not a hate comment.It's a fair and logical point of view. They may have improved on some things, but as far as student satisfaction is concerned, it's the same old Uniten. 10 years and counting.
Here's a simple principle, when reading reviews,always look for bad points/reasons not to buy/watch the movie/product.Never read the good about it.You'll have a better view of the movie/product.Why? It is ALWAYS easy to point out the good in something good, but it's quite the opposite when pointing out the bad in something good.
bia betiq~
kongsi smpi 8ketol???
xleyh nak byg ar...
apew la yg da rest tuh wut..
musty melangok jerk...
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