Carving a Perfect Picture: Storyboarding a Harmonious Film.

. Saturday, December 1, 2007
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by Mohd Hafiz Md Hanif

Every film that you have seen, be it on the big screen or at the comfort of your homes, even in front of your computers, has its own storyboard. Storyboard which governs the movement of the cameras either panning or zooming, and it governs the whole idea of the film. Storyboard is like a draft of what you will see on the big screen. It is like a sneak preview of what lies ahead. It is a portal into the future.

Maybe many of you will be scratching your heads upon reading my introduction paragraph there. Eheh.. No worries man, apart from being a film enthusiast, I am still a sane person and I will not wander around, beating around the mulberry bush, instead, I will provide an insight of what lies inside the so called ‘politics’ inside the universities nowadays and maybe I will throw some suggestions that might be useful for those leaders that are reading my article. Well, the part where I said ‘beating around the mulberry bush’, it’s half true. I’ll beat around but do not focus onto how I beat, but onto what I beat at.

Every organization must be well organized, if not, it would never be named as ‘organization’. So, careful planning and vivid realization of what has been planned is a vital key to the harmonious organization. That’s the core business of an organization. A basic universal operational conformation. Same applied to the films that we have seen in the cinema. Careful planning has been put onto it and the result? Wallah! An impressive, astonishing, plausible, realistic and magnificent piece of art. If you did not put much effort into carefully plan the film form the opening title to the credits, the result would be something like Orang Minyak… Eheh.. Not to banging anyone here.. ermm.. but I want to. A total waste of my RM 5! Thank God it was Wednesday. The film, a total disaster. I will not be criticizing the film here, but you can read it in my blog, under the title ‘The Oily Guy’. Well, my point here is, you have to carefully plan your mission, vision and goal, and everything you do, must be according to these three principles. If not, you will have a cacamarba result. And the most important thing is, other people WILL see the disasters you’ve made and it will affect them as well.

“Whatever you do, make sure that your presence is felt.”

This was the motto that my team holds when we were in the student committee. We made sure that everything we did, people will notice. Always do small things in a big way. And the result? From the positive perspective, yeah, we were heard by the entire university community. Be it from the higher administration, until the akak-akak and abang-abang cleaner from each floor of our college. How do we reach them? Apart from making so many high impact programmes, we did an approach that was far too unreachable for other student committee, and that was to always respect everybody, eventhough s/he is akak-abang cleaner. Especially them. When you learn to take your pride and bury it beneath the dirt, you will be a well balanced leader. Do not only reach the higher society until you have forgotten the soil which you touch with your feet daily from the moment your mother placed you onto it until you lay rest in it. The key is to always be humble. When you have mastered the art of ‘humbling’ yourself, you won’t have any problem facing critics, dingbats etc. You will have within you, the ZEN of a harmonious leader. And the rule of the world is simple; harmony brings happiness. And what happiness brings? A pixel perfect picture!


The Moderator said...
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Anonymous said...

Do not only reach the higher society until you have forgotten the soil which you touch with your feet daily from the moment your mother placed you onto it until you lay rest in it. The key is to always be humble. When you have mastered the art of ‘humbling’ yourself, you won’t have any problem facing critics, dingbats etc.

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